Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Exams are over!!!!

Well, I've been done exams for a day now and I am so scared for them to be returned to me. I am not very confident in what I have done with those exams. I mean I did study but for some reason each exam had its own flaw.

ENGLISH - Well, besides feeling rushed, I felt like puking 45 minutes after the exam began and I couldn't look down and concentrate so it had to be put on hold for a few minutes. I thought taking a walk would help, so I asked to go to the bathroom. But it was a fail. When I returned to my seat I still couldn't look down and so I had no choice but to wait it out and hope I would stop feeling sick. It subsided after about 15 minutes. Another problem was that I didn't understand the second synthesis text and I had to read it over more than once. It was 5 pages long which took some of my time away. Needless to say, at the end of the alloted two hours I had was only half way through the Hamlet extended paragraph.
GEOGRAPHY - Geo. was the same day as English but I studied more for geo. and it didn't pay off. Even though the exam was only out of 70, I felt some of the multiple choice questions were hard. I had to go back a few times before I answered the questions. We had a Case Study and we had to write a multi paragraph essay about it. I thought that was easy and I am hoping I have done a good enough job to get a decient mark. At this point, I am hoping my multi - paragraph brought up my exam mark.
FRENCH - My last exam, yet harder then english only because there were so many reading and answering multiple choice questions. I mean 4 was a lot. Could there have been anymore??? It was getting annoying. I also forgot my paragraph so I had to wing it. It was I think the worst paragraph I've ever written. Let's just hope I passed.

I am not looking forward to the report card coming next friday. I mean if I do horiblly then my mother is going to flip out and I am going to be grounded for a long time. Lets just pray that I will be on the honer role. I don't care first or second honers. Anything will do at this point.

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